29 de febrero 2024
The Secretary of Russia’s Security Council, General Nikolai Patrushev, met in Managua with delegates from Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela
General Julio Cesar Aviles, head of the Army, speaks at a meeting with members of Russia’s Security Council. Photo: Taken from El 19 Digital
Nikolai Patrushev’s visit served as a stage for General Julio Cesar Aviles, head of Nicaragua’s Army, to verbally attack the United States and embrace Russia, whose authorities he asked to “strengthen security ties and defend ourselves united against aggressions from the United States and its allies.”
Patrushev met Tuesday, February 27, with delegates from Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. The meeting was held behind closed doors at the Olof Palme convention center in Managua.
“Those present here are united by the firm determination to reject and not accept impositions from nations like the United States, which have been aggressors towards us throughout history,” Aviles told the Ortega regime’s media.
According to Aviles, with more than 13 consecutive years heading the Armed Forces, “we have been and continue to be attacked by these hegemonic powers; we have been invaded, they have waged war against us, and in their quest to ensure their hegemonic interests, they have promoted military coups, coup d’états, the destabilization of governments, soft coups and color revolutions.”
Aviles said such meetings with high-ranking officials like Patrushev are necessary “to strengthen security ties and defend ourselves united against aggressions from the United States and its allies.”
Additionally, according to Ortega’s media, the military chief took the opportunity to lament the US sanctions, of which he has already been a target. The US Department of the Treasury sanctioned Aviles on May 22, 2020, for refusing to disarm the paramilitaries who attacked the civilian population during the civic protests of 2018.
“With influence in the media, they promote brutal smear campaigns, all with the aim of trying to break us and defeat us, so that nations led by leaders with popular support don’t have the full capacity to lead our own destiny without foreign interference.”
Complaints against independent journalism are a recurring theme in Aviles’ statements since September 2023. At the end of that month, during an anniversary event of the Nicaraguan Army, the general launched a virulent attack against the non-government media, whom he called “parasites and mercenaries of information.”
Patrushev, who heads a large delegation from the Russian Security Council that has been in Nicaragua since Monday night, stated that developing friendship ties with “key partners” in Latin America and the Caribbean remains one of Moscow’s top priorities.
“The importance of your region to the world, and especially to Russia, is growing rapidly. It is your countries that are at the forefront of true sovereignty in Latin America and fully entitled on the international stage,” said the Secretary of Russia’s Security Council to the Nicaraguan official portal El 19 Digital.
General Patrushev said that Russia needs to support the defense of sovereignty and independence, particularly through the development and expansion of interaction in the areas of security and technical military cooperation to Latin American states “under pressure from the United States and its allies.”
The Secretary of Russia’s Security Council also highlighted the need to unite the efforts of Latin American states to jointly combat a new wave of colonialism.
He indicated that Russia’s strategic objective is to create a multilateral cooperation mechanism “through which our countries will not only plan but also implement the approved measures to strengthen the sovereignty of Latin America, elevate its status on the international stage, and protect ourselves from Western restrictions.”
He denounced that the United States uses aggressive methods to forcibly overthrow governments that do not favor it, to politically pressure and economically contain states that demonstrate their independence and autonomy.
The Russian delegation was welcomed by Laureano Ortega Murillo, son of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo.
Laureano, who is a presidential advisor for investments, trade, and international cooperation, emphasized that Russia’s Security Council chose Managua to hold that meeting with “sister countries that face the same adversary: imperialism that tries to subdue us with illegal measures and actions that threaten our security.”
The son of Nicaragua’s President and VP thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for sending a large delegation to Nicaragua, as well as “for his willingness to continue strengthening cooperation in security matters.”
Additionally, he reaffirmed his solidarity and support for Russia “in the battle they fight for world peace, in the battle against neo-Nazism and against the wave of hatred unleashed by global imperialism.”
This article was published in Spanish in Confidencial and translated by Havana Times. To get the most relevant news from our English coverage delivered straight to your inbox, subscribe to The Dispatch.
Confidencial es un diario digital nicaragüense, de formato multimedia, fundado por Carlos F. Chamorro en junio de 1996. Inició como un semanario impreso y hoy es un medio de referencia regional con información, análisis, entrevistas, perfiles, reportajes e investigaciones sobre Nicaragua, informando desde el exilio por la persecución política de la dictadura de Daniel Ortega y Rosario Murillo.