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Nicaragua: Ortega Announces His Plan to Stay in Power

To date the government has signed several commitments with the Civic Alliance but has failed to comply with anything it agreed to.

Foreign Minister Denis Moncada leaving one of the meetings on March 29th in Managua with the Civic Alliance. Photo: EFE

Redacción Confidencial

23 de mayo 2019


HAVANA TIMES — Faced with today’s general strike, the delegation of Daniel Ortega to the stalled Negotiating Table issued its own unilateral agenda in an attempt to ward off more international sanctions against its inner circle and close collaborators.

To date the government has signed several commitments with the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy but has failed to comply with anything it agreed to. Now it has chosen to act on its own without consensus.

The following is the text of the statement coming out of the El Carmen presidential bunker in Managua on Thursday. It includes a contradictory addendum also translated at the bottom.

Government of Reconciliation and National Unity (GRUN)

Managua, Nicaragua


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Working program of the GRUN to consolidate stability and peace in Nicaragua

  1. Definitive release no later than June 18, 2019 of the ex-prisoners who are in their homes under family coexistence or house arrest, of those who are still imprisoned, and of those who have legal processes against them in their absence.
  2. To continue the electoral institutional strengthening process with the OAS that consists of: A) Proposal for Electoral Reforms, B) Technical Support to the Supreme Electoral Council, C) Implementation of Technical Recommendations to the Supreme Electoral Council, for the future General Elections of 2021, within the framework of the Constitution and the Legal Order of the country.
  3. Continue making the call for the Reconciliation of the Nicaraguan Family, to contribute to a climate of trust, which strengthens the Culture of Peace that the People of Nicaragua require.
  4. Raise the Comprehensive Plan of Attention to Victims (PIAV) to the category of a law, for the violent acts that occurred as of April 2018, based on the Principle of Forgiving, Not Forgetting and No-Repetition.
  5. Continue to promote, nationally and internationally, the government’s program on the Voluntary Return of Nicaraguans Abroad, who left in the context of the violent events that took place starting April 18, 2018, with all the constitutional and security guarantees for their reintegration into the society and their personal daily life.
  6. To ratify, as mandated by the Constitution and the Labor Code, the Participation of Workers in the Management of Companies, through their Organizations.
  7. In accordance with the Tax Law, proceed to make the relevant audits, as appropriate, with all the Companies, Non-Profit Associations, Foundations and other exonerated sectors, in order to determine the proper use of equipment, supplies and materials exonerated from taxes, including those of the Communications Media.
  8. Appeal to the International Community and International Financial Organizations for the cessation of the application of sanctions and the threats of new sanctions that affect the Human, Economic and Social Development of the People of Nicaragua.
  9. Guarantee the Right of Concentration, Demonstration and Public Mobilization, complying with the Constitution, the pertinent laws and the regulations in force.

Government of Reconciliation and National Unity
May 23, 2019

At the same time the government issued the following points as a compliment to the above plan:

Complementing the GRUN Work Program to Consolidate Stability and Peace in Nicaragua

  1. Continue to strengthen the Commissions of Reconciliation, Justice and Peace in the neighborhoods, districts, municipalities, departments, regions and the entire country, based on the Law for a Culture of Dialogue, Reconciliation, Security, Labor and Peace (Law 985).
  2. All the people involved in the failed coup attempt must commit themselves to the Non-Repetition, and to absolute respect for the Constitution and the Laws of the Country, thereby contributing to Peace, Tranquility, Security and Reconciliation among all Nicaraguans.
  3. Immediately promote the preparation of the Draft Law of the Comprehensive Plan of Attention to Victims (PIAV), in order to provide comprehensive care and reparation to victims and their families for the damages caused by last year’s attempted coup, based on the principle of Forgiveness, Not Forgetting and No Repetition.
  4. The Consulates, Missions and Embassies of Nicaragua will provide information and support to those who wish to return to Nicaragua within the framework of the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity’s program for the Voluntary Return of Nicaraguans Abroad.

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Redacción Confidencial

Redacción Confidencial

Confidencial es un diario digital nicaragüense, de formato multimedia, fundado por Carlos F. Chamorro en junio de 1996. Inició como un semanario impreso y hoy es un medio de referencia regional con información, análisis, entrevistas, perfiles, reportajes e investigaciones sobre Nicaragua, informando desde el exilio por la persecución política de la dictadura de Daniel Ortega y Rosario Murillo.